Replication service is provided by a software server that replicates records from Melinda to Voyager-databases or directly to files. Customers connect to the service using SFTP protocol.

Service operation

The server is installed and configured for each user individually. Server polls for changes in records updated by the customer's library ID. When changed records are found the server applies configured modifications to them and saves the modified records to:

a) Files, which can be fetched by the customer

b) The customer's Voyager-database


The service can be ordered by email: [email protected]. The customer will receive credentials needed for SFTP authentication.

Controlling the server's behaviour

The server can be controlled with the following files:

  • restart - The server will re-read configuration and remove the restart-file.
  • hold - The server will halt and restore operation when the hold-file is removed.

The files must be located in the SFTP-user's home directory and they should have no content.

Fetching records

If the records are saved to files the customer can choose whether they should be periodically packaged. As the packaging completes the server sends an email notification to the customer. The files are saved in path /work/files under the SFTP-user's home directory.

SFTP connection details

Authentication: Username and SSH-key (See Ordering)

Host: (

Port: 22

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