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Here you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions about ISNI.

The questions are divided into the following topics: General, Use and benefits of ISNI, Distribution of ISNI and Incorrect data and data processing.

In addition, the information package has a separate section on using ISNI in Copyright Management Organisations.

If you cannot find the answer you are looking for on this page, please contact us at [email protected].


What is an ISNI identifier?

ISNI (International Standard Name Identifier) identifies the public identities of persons and organisations globally, uniquely and permanently. ISNI brings together the variants and forms of a person’s or organisation’s name (e.g. different transliterations of the name) and allows to distinguish between persons and organisations with the same name.

ISNI belongs to the same identifier family as ISBN or ISRC, for example. While ISBN identifies books and ISRC sound recordings, ISNI unambiguously identifies persons and organisations associated with a book or recording, for example.

An ISNI identifier consists of 16 characters and can be written either with spaces (0000 0001 2147 8925) or without spaces (0000000121478925). ISNIs can also be presented in the form of a URL: (ISNI for the Finnish writer Tove Jansson).

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Is ISNI based on a standard?


The principles of forming an ISNI are defined in the ISNI Standard ISO 27729 (link to the standard produced by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO)).

There is also a Finnish translation (SFS-ISO 27729) available of the standard, produced by the Finnish Standards Association SFS (link to the SFS webstore).

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What is a public identity?

According to the ISNI standard, public identities refer to names used by parties to create, produce, manage and distribute information content in media, for example.

Therefore, a public identity is the name form a person uses in public.

If a person publishes works under both his or her own name and a professional name, both are public identities and have separate ISNIs.

If a person publishes works under a professional name only, then only the professional name is a public identity.

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Can a public identity have multiple spellings and name forms?

A public identity can have different spellings or name forms. These are all collected under a single ISNI identifier.

For example, Russian names may have many different transliterations and spellings. All the different names of Pyotr Tchaikovsky below are collected under a single ISNI (

  • Tšaikovski, Pjotr
  • Čajkovskij, Pëtr
  • Tchaikovsky, Peter
  • Tshaikovski, Pjotr
  • Tjajkovskij, Peter

  • Чайковский, Петр
  • Чайковский, Пётр
  • 柴可夫斯基
  • شايكوفسكي، بيتر إيلتش

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Who is an Agent?

An agent refers to a person or organisation related to published scientific or artistic material, or manuscript or archive material, for example. A agent may be, for example, a writer, composer, musical group or publisher.

It may also be a person or organisation that is the subject of a book, such as a royal person, political activist, wartime battalion or local company.

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Can one person have more than one ISNI?

Yes, they can.

If an author publishes books under his or her own name and under different pseudonyms or pen names, he or she will have more than one public identity. Each of them may have a separate ISNI.

An example:

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Where and by whom is the ISNI governed?

The ISNI International Agency (ISNI-IA) governs ISNI-related activities and is based in London (UK). More information on the organisation’s governance can be found on the ISNI-IA website:

The ISNI Assignment Agency (ISNI-AA) is responsible for the database and its technical maintenance. The content of the ISNI database is maintained by the ISNI Quality Team (ISNI QT), which consists of experts from the British Library and Bibliothèque nationale de France. Each Registration Agency is responsible for the timeliness of the data sent to the database. More information on the ISNI-IA activities is available on its website at

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How do the ISNI Registration Agencies work?

Only the ISNI Registration Agencies may submit requests for new ISNI assignments. The Registration Agencies have unrestricted read access to the ISNI database. A list of the ISNI Registration Agencies can be found on the ISNI-IA website:

The Registration Agencies forward ISNI applications to the international ISNI database on behalf of customers and advise them on what information is needed for an ISNI application.

Currently, the National Library of Finland is the only Finnish ISNI Registration Agency. It means that the National Library does not assign ISNI identifiers. Instead, it serves as an interface between applicants (e.g. a copyright organisation or publisher) and the ISNI Assignment Agency, the assigning body.

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Use and benefits of ISNI

What’s the ISNI for?

ISNI identifiers are used to unambiguously identify agents (e.g. authors, publishers, composers) associated with scientific or artistic material.

ISNI brings together the name variants and forms related to a agent.

With the help of an ISNI, search results can be reliably limited to the desired agent.

An ISNI can be used to distinguish between identical and similar names without the need to process birth years or other sensitive personal data in public services.

The ISO standard-compliant identifier facilitates machine-readability and serves as a link between different systems.

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Where is the ISNI used?

ISNIs are used in databases to unambiguously distinguish between persons or organisations with the same name. ISNI plays a bridging role between databases by providing reliable information on parties.

ISNIs are used, for example, by Wikipedia and Wikidata, many national libraries (e.g. the National Library of Finland, the French national library BnF) and various copyright organisations. The use of ISNIs is also becoming more common among publishers and book agents.

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What is the difference between ISNI and ORCID?

ISNI stands for International Standard Name Identifier and ORCID for Open Researcher and Contributor ID. There are many similarities, but also some differences.


  • Both are permanent and unique identifiers intended to distinguish persons with the same name from each other, combine the different spellings of names and resolve other confusions related to different name forms.
  • Both identifiers consist of 16 characters.
  • The use of both identifiers is becoming more widespread worldwide.


  • ORCID is mainly aimed at researchers, while ISNI can be assigned to both scientific and artistic creators. 
  • An ISNI can only be applied for through an ISNI member organisation or Registration Agency; an ORCID can be applied for by the party themselves. Since ISNIs are created centrally, parties may not always know that they have an ISNI.
  • ISNIs are intended for both organisations and persons and can be used to identify both deceased and living persons. ORCIDs are aimed at active scientists.
  • ISNIs are used by copyright organisations, national libraries, book publishers and agents, and online music services, for example. ORCIDs are mainly intended for the identification of researchers.
  • In Finland, the ORCID coordinator is CSC, while the National Library is responsible for ISNI activities. CSC and the National Library are currently exploring possible forms of cooperation.

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Using ISNI in Copyright Management Organisations

Mikä on tekijänoikeusjärjestöjen ISNI-projekti?

Luovan alan tekijänoikeusjärjestöjen metadataa parannetaan hankkimalla tekijöille kansainväliset ISNI-tunnukset. Projekti käynnistyi vuoden 2022 helmikuussa ja kestää vuoden 2023 loppuun asti. Projektissa ovat mukana Gramex, Kopiosto, Kuvasto, Sanasto ja Teosto. Lisätietoa projektista löydät Kansalliskirjaston sivuilta:

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Onko suomalaisilla luovan alan tekijöillä jo ISNI-tunnuksia?

ISNI-tunnuksia on jo laajasti luovan alan tekijöilläkin, vaikka he eivät välttämättä tiedä siitä.

Kansalliskirjasto on hakenut ISNI-tunnuksia kaikille omassa tekijätietokannassa oleville tekijöille, tunnuksia on jo noin 176 000. Kansalliskirjaston tekijätietokantaan kuvaillaan kaikki tekijät, jotka ovat Suomessa julkaistujen aineistojen tekijöinä.

Kansalliskirjaston tekijätietokannassa olevat ISNI-tunnukset voi hakea Kantosta (KANTO - Kansalliset toimijatiedot).

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Mihin ISNI-tunnuksia tarvitaan tekijänoikeusjärjestöissä?

ISNI-tunnus on verrattavissa IPI- tai IPN-numeroon. ISNIn tarkoitus on yksiselitteisesti identifioida mihin tahansa luovaan teokseen liittyviä henkilöitä ja yhteisöjä, mm. kirjailijoita, esittäjiä, visuaalisen taiteen tekijöitä, esiintyjiä, tuottajia tai kustantajia.

Yhteisen globaalin tunnisteen käyttöönotto mahdollistaa pitkällä aikavälillä tiiviimmän yhteistyön ja paremman palvelun tekijänoikeusjärjestöjen asiakkaille.

ISNI-tunnus parantaa tekijään liittyvien tietojen luotettavuutta ja yhteentoimivuutta.

ISNI-tunnuksen käyttöönotto kehittää osaltaan taiteellisten alojen digitaalisen datan käyttöä, saatavuutta ja hallintaa.

ISNIn käyttöönoton myötä tekijänoikeusjärjestöjen metadatan laatu paranee.

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Mitä hyötyä ISNIstä on luovan työn ammattilaisille?

Edellisessä osiossa vastataan kysymykseen Mitä hyötyä ISNIstä on? yleisellä tasolla. Jos tarkastellaan hyötyjä erityisesti luovan alan ammattilaisten näkökulmasta, voidaan lisätä seuraavat hyödyt:

  • ISNI-tunnus toimii yli toimialarajojen eli sitä voi hakea kaikki luovan työn ammattilaiset.
  • ISNI-tunnuksen avulla erityisesti ulkomailla toimivien oikeudenhaltioiden tekijänoikeuskorvaukset voidaan kohdentaa entistä paremmin.
  • Tekijänoikeusjärjestöjen yhteistyökumppanien keskuudessa, erityisesti musiikkialalla, ISNI-tunnuksen käyttö yleistyy.

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Miten IPI- ja IPN-numerot eroavat ISNI-tunnuksesta?

ISNI International Standard Name Identifier on ISNI-IA:n hallinnoima tunnus, joka identifioi globaalisti, ainutkertaisesti ja pysyvästi henkilöt ja yhteisöt. ISNI-tunnus voidaan antaa sekä tieteellisen että taiteellisen työn tekijöille. ISNI-tunnusta käytetään helpottamaan tiedonsaantia ja tekijätietojen vaihtoa - kansallisesti ja kansainvälisesti eri organisaatioiden välillä.

IPI Interested Party Information on CISACin ylläpitämä kansainvälinen tekijätunniste, jota käytetään tekijöiden teosten oikeuksien hallinnointiin. IPI-tunnus on erityisesti säveltäjien ja kustantajien käytössä. Tunnuksen avulla tekijänoikeusjärjestöt pystyvät kohdentamaan tekijänoikeuskorvaukset.

IPN International Performer Number käytetään kansainvälisesti tekijänoikeusjärjestöjen ja muiden musiikkialan toimijoiden yhteistyössä tunnistamaan äänitteillä esiintyvät taiteilijat.


  • Tunnusten tarkoituksena on identifioida henkilöitä yksiselitteisesti ja erottaa samannimiset henkilöt toisistaan. Ne ovat pysyviä ja yksilöllisiä.
  • Tunnukset ovat kansainvälisesti laajasti käytössä.


  • ISNI-tunnusta voi käyttää eri toimialoilla toimivien tekijöiden tunnistamiseen, siinä missä IPN:t käytetään pääasiassa musiikkialan eri toimijoiden tunnistamisessa.
  • ISNI-tunnus on julkinen, siinä missä IPI- ja IPN-numerot ovat vain tekijänoikeusjärjestöjen ja heidän asiakkaiden tiedossa.
  • IPI- ja IPN-tunnuksia annetaan henkilön todellisille identiteeteille ja pseudonyymeille, ISNI-tunnukset puolestaan haetaan sekä henkilön julkisille identiteeteille että yhteisöille.
  • ISNI kokoaa yhteen samaan tekijään liittyvät nimen variaatiot ja muuttuneet nimenmuodot. 

Vaikka tunnisteiden välillä löytyy eroja, standardisoidut tunnisteet täydentävät toisiaan ja parantavat metatiedon laatua ja tekijänoikeuskorvausten kohdentumista.

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Miksi ISNI-tunnus on tärkeä luovalle alalle ja/tai tekijänoikeusjärjestelmälle?

ISNI-tunnuksen avulla luovan työn tekijät voidaan kansainvälisesti yksilöidä luotettavasti ja tietoturvallisesti taiteenalasta riippumatta.

ISNI-tunnus toimii sillanrakentajana eri sisäisiä tunnisteita käyttävien tahojen välillä ja varmistaa muiden alalla käytettyjen tunnisteiden tavoin, että teokseen liittyvät tekijät ovat yksiselitteisesti tunnistettavissa.

Yhä verkottuvammassa maailmassa ja erityisesti kansainvälisissä yhteyksissä ISNI-tunnus helpottaa teoksen tekijän tunnistamista yksiselitteisesti, mikä auttaa tekijänoikeuskorvausten kohdentamisessa ulkomaille ja ulkomailta.

ISNI-tunnisteiden käyttö laajenee. Globaaleista toimijoista esimerkiksi Apple, Google ja Spotify ovat jo ottaneet ISNI-tunnisteita käyttöön.

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Distribution of ISNI

How do I know if I have an ISNI?

ISNI identifiers can be freely searched in the database maintained by the ISNI International Agency (

The National Library of Finland’s Agent Database is included as open data in the Finto service. ISNI identifiers related to Finnish production of publications can be searched in Kanto (KANTO – National Agent Data Individual identifiers are searched by using the creator’s name.

Melinda libraries can search ISNI identifiers directly in the Asteri database of authorized names.

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Who can get an ISNI?

An ISNI may be assigned to any public identity or party that performs creative or scientific work.

An ISNI may be registered, for example, for an author, a musician’s stage name, a publisher or a research unit.

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Where can I get an ISNI?

All ISNI identifiers are generated in a single database maintained by the ISNI Assignment Agency (ISNI-AA).

New ISNI identifiers can be applied for through the ISNI Registration Agencies. An up-to-date list of the ISNI Registration Agencies can be found on the ISNI International Agency website at

Currently, the National Library of Finland is the only Finnish ISNI Registration Agency. The National Library cannot assign ISNI identifiers directly. It is a Registration Agency that can forward ISNI applications to the international ISNI database. Parties cannot send their data to the ISNI database directly.

More detailed information about the necessary description data can be obtained from the Agent Metadata Service at [email protected]

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What data is needed for ISNI?

The data below is required for an ISNI.

Not all the data is mandatory, but the data provided must be comprehensive. The data marked with an asterisk is strongly recommended.


  • first and last name of the person*
  • any other forms and/or spellings of the name
  • year* and place of birth
  • information about any professional name or pseudonym*
  • country or countries related to the person (place of residence, place of business, etc.)
  • sector(s) in which the person is or has been employed
  • any other standard identifiers (e.g. ORCID, VIAF)
  • online sources of information (e.g. Wikipedia, homepage)
  • key publications related to the person*.


  • organisation name*
  • other forms of the name (abbreviations, forms in other languages, etc.);
  • year of establishment of the organisation*
  • possible year of closure of the organisation
  • place related to the organisation (e.g. location of the office, registered office of an association, place of establishment of a musical group)
  • organisation’s industry*
  • any other standard identifiers (e.g. business ID)
  • online sources of information (e.g. homepage, Wikipedia)*
  • key publications related to the organisation*.

More detailed information about the necessary description data can be obtained from the Agent Metadata Service at toimijakuvailu-posti @

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Is ISNI free?

No, not entirely.

ISNI applications are subject to the payment of a fee by the Registration Agencies. The Registration Agencies may decide to charge service fees.

Currently, private individuals may apply for ISNIs for parties related to publications produced in Finland free of charge.

When ISNIs are applied for a collection of names maintained by an organisation, the price will depend on the ISNIs applied for.

More detailed information can be obtained from the Agent Metadata Service at toimijakuvailu-posti @

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How long does it take to get an ISNI?

The processing time for an ISNI identifier is from two working days to four weeks. We aim for a processing time of a maximum of ten working days (excluding the holidays).

New ISNIs for public identities related to publications produced in Finland can be obtained quite quickly.

ISNI applications that concern more than one person and/or organisation at a time may take longer to process and may require the signing of a service agreement concerning the disclosure of information.

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Incorrect data and data processing 

How can I correct incorrect information?

If you notice that your personal data is incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate, you may ask us to correct it.

If you find an error in the ISNI database
( (e.g. publications of a person with the same name as you are displayed for you), make a correction request.

One way to make a correction request to the database administrators is to use the yellow box found in the search results displayed in a search interface (on the left side of the page). Correction requests must be written in English.

Alternatively, you can contact us at
toimijakuvailu-posti @ The National Library can correct and modify data submitted through the National Library. All data submitted by the National Library is accompanied with the data supplier identifier NLFIN (National Library of Finland).

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How my personal data is processed in ISNI database?

All personal data contained in the ISNI database is processed in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation.

More detailed information on the principles of data collection and storage, for example, can be found in the ISNI Data Policy: ISNI Data Policy (PDF file, 544 KB).

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Do you still have a questions?

If you did not find an answer to your question on this page, please contact us at toimijakuvailu-posti @

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