Torstaina 2.3.2023

Etäkokous Zoomilla klo 13-14

Linkki lähetetty pääkäyttäjäpostituslistalle.

Edellinen kokous: 2023-02-16 Pääkäyttäjäverkoston kokous 


Kehittäjätuokio / Developers' hour

Muut asiat / Other business

  • Kevätsiivous/cleaning? Could old deleted holdings data be removed from databases? These were mass deleted already in 2020 but values still can be seen in holdings tables? Discussed shortly in Slack.  Holdings data deletion schedule is not mentioned in Logs cleanup and old data expiration table  (see from table "values" -> "delete  catalog dates": only "Purge catalog records deleted more then DAYS days ago:  from tables deleteditems, deletedbiblioitems, deletedbiblio_metadata and deletedbiblio." 
    • Andrii: probably a bug. Devs team will test, ask more questions, and Andrii will SQL and purge. 
  • Diak Koha doesn't keep the holds queues separate correctly. → Slack
  • Has anyone tested in transit hold cancelation In Finna? (let's find a Slack track of this?) Need to verify what'll be the status of the item after cancellation. 
    • Also interest in the possibility of cancelling a hold already picked. Perhaps in the future. 
  • Something broken in the test server? – or data just overlapped a lot
  • TODO: Request Finna view for

 Seuraava kokous / Next meeting

  • Next meeting 16.3.

  • No labels