
Veli-Matti Häkkinen (Jyväskylän yliopisto) 
Sirpa Janhonen (Varastokirjasto) 
Esa-Pekka Keskitalo (Kansalliskirjasto) 
Minna Kivinen (HAMK), chair 
Mia Kujala (XAMK) 
Joonas Kylmälä (Kansalliskirjasto) 
Johanna Miettunen (Haaga-Helia) 
Christian Nelson (Tritonia)

Andrii Vashchuk, development, National Library  


1. Status report of issues not related with version update

  • From last meeting: Some slownes, fixed for tritonia and 3 AMK - fixed for others as well?

    • Incorrect number of servers. Now fixed for all. Case closed.
  • Incorrect setting (LUMME sorting) in Koha has caused problems when replicating from Melinda. Fixed for all libraries: setting and data.
    • Settings and data fixed for all libraries. Case closed.

2.Version update

Update schedule is found on KIWI -page Update schedule and progress tracking

2.1. News

2.2. Status report, deployments

National Archives: Deployment Sept 22nd

HAMK: Deployment Sep 24th 

XAMK: Deployment on Thursday Oct 1st

DiakDeployment on Oct 7th.

Tritonia: Deployment on Thursday Oct 15th

Arcada: Deployment on Thursday Oct 29th

3AMK: Deployment on Thursday Nov 5th

MPKK: Deployment on Nov 11th

Humak: Deployment on Nov 19th

2.3 Status report, Coming migrations:

Tilastokirjasto: Deployment on Nov 26th 

  • Test environment in use
  • In schedule.

Varastokirjasto: Deployment on Dec 3rd

  • First migration done but errors in the index,
  • VARK will test again tomorrow (25.11.) Decision on update must be done on this Friday latest.

Hanken: Deployment on Dec 8th

  • Test environment in use from Nov 18th
  • Can test.


  • Test environment in use from Nov 18th
  • Can test.

KK and JYU: 

  • Jyväskylä has the server and migration done
  • KK in 1 or 2 weeks.

2.3.1 Update of updated Kohas (to the latest version)

From last meeting: 

  • We have fixes that we could start doing next week.
  • Need to settle the timetable.
  • First Tritonia, then others.
  • Tomorrow this version will be available on the test server, Andrii will notify.
  • Release notes: Andrii will list the main changes.
  • 20.11. will be released on Friday, will improve translations.
  • Proposed date Wednesday Dec 2nd. If problems arise, may be postponed
  • For HAMK and Kansallisarkisto more changes

2.4. Status report, common test environment

Koha3 test environment

Update to Koha is planned for Koha3 test environment and after that for all the libraries 

  • Tritonia can be the first library after Koha3-server

About upgrades:

  • There comes a lot of development going on community version
  • Discussed about regular upgrading, decided to go for regular updates when all libraries have been updated to 20.XX version

Address to Finna view

2.4 Status of development tasks on Update schedule 

  1. Development tasks are listed on KIWI -page Update schedule and progress tracking. All development tasks are numbered on list so that it is easier to refer to each task.
    • Development tasks prioritized on the meeting and priorities are found on update schedule -page
    • There are some development tasks in Bugzilla that are needing testing and sign off. Specialists will try to test and sign off all those issues where they have tools to test. Tasks about signing of are documented in the table of development issues.
    • Issues that will need status review or discussion:
      • #T18: Searching in Koha with words that are in different marc fields returns 0 results. (e.g. Hirsjärvi tutki or Tutki ja kirjoita 2009). 
        • Priority 1: what is the status of this issue?
        • Fix exists. Needs QA.
      • #T20: When adding a new holdings record or editing a holdings record, there are only 2 MARC frameworks showing in the selection list.
        • Fix suggested, does not work.
        • Indicator problem, too.
        • Other holdings issues reported.
        • Priority 3. National Library will discuss its importance.
        • Let's keep it this way.
      • #T24 (was #F17 before):  In Finna it is possible to place holds on titles one already has a hold waiting for pick-up and if there is any item available in any library. 
        • Priority 1
      • #T25 (was #F18 before): In Finna it is possible to place holds on titles where there are no items at all in patron's home library but item in another branch library
        • Priority 1

2.5. Discussion topics - items that need discussion about priority or definitions for implementing

2.5.1 How long to keep action logs and deleted data in database 

  1. Koha service has send a suggestion to libraries about how long data should be kept
TableTime to keepDescriptionComment
action_logs2 yearsCheck in, check out, making holds, item modifications etc. Which logs are collected is depending of system settings. Suggest development: it would be nice to be able to delete patron data without deleting everything else.
deleted_borrowers1 kkDeleted borrowers, deleting has affect to statistics as categorycode or statistical group is not saved elsewhereAffects to statistics, action logs, old_reserves, old_issues where only borrowernumber is saved to link to additional borrower information (categorycode, statistical group)

We need to list cases where it's important to keep, or important to delete this data.
old_reserves3 yearsHandled holds. If patron is anonymized, link to patron is deleted when item is returned.
old_issues3 yearsReturned loans. If patron is anonymized, link to patron is deleted when item is returned.
accountlines3 yearsPaid fees. Unpaid fees must be deleted manually
statistics2 yearsStatistical information about loans, renewals, reservations, payments. Needed until all statistics has been taken out.

New fields needed in the statistics table. ANd borrowernumber deleted

message_queue3 yearsSent messages. Needed to check if the message has been sent from system. Only for active borrowers, information deleted when borrower is deleted
deleted_biblio, deleted_items5 yearsDeleted bibliographic records and item recordsNational Library will not delete these, but it's a special case (Fennica).

 2.5.2. Statistics - need change to statistics table?

  • Discussed about statistics. If borrower statistics group changes, all check out issues are attached to latest statistic group.
  • For statistics need a new feature to Koha statistics table: borrower categorytype
  • Needs new column for a link to relevant patron attributes.
  • Statistics module (Mana?)
  • It was felt that this issue need a forum of its own. We do not quite understand how all this works and what is dependent on what.
  • First documentation, then decisions on the changes.
  • Patron pseudonymization needs to be examined (see below) and see if it affects any things above.
    • Might help on keeping statistics for a longer time.
    • Can be tested on Koha3
    • Johanna will talk with Saija and Hannu. Minna will explore, if she has time.
  • If we need to unify statistics for 2021, must be done in December (statistics table)
  • Cannot do things dyring the rest of 2020.
  • Will set up a WG? Let's talk next time.

date and time of the transaction


foreign key, branch where the transaction occurred


monetary value associated with the transaction


transaction type (localuse, issue, return, renew, writeoff, payment)


used by SIP


foreign key from the items table, links transaction to a specific item


foreign key from the itemtypes table, links transaction to a specific item type


authorized value for the shelving location for this item (MARC21 952$c)



2.5.3. Patron pseudonymization

  1. For GDPR reason there has been developed feature for patron pseudonimization in Koha
  2. The goal of this new feature is to add a way to pseudonymize patron's
    data, in a way they could not be personally identifiable.
  3. "This development proposes to have 2 different tables:
      * 1 for transactions and patrons data (pseudonymized_transactions)
      * 1 for patrons' attributes (pseudonymized_borrower_attributes)
    Entries to pseudonymized_transactions are added when a new transaction
    (checkout, checkin, renew, on-site checkout) is done.
    Also, anonymized_borrower_attributes is populated if patron's attributes are
    marked as "keep for pseudonymization".
    1. Configuration
      1. Pseudonymization: turn on the feature
      2. PseudonymizationPatronFields: which fields are copied to separate table
      3. PseudonimizationTransactionFields: which transcation information is copied to separate table

2.5.4. Bugzilla Reporting

  • Bugzilla reporting is important, everyone is encouraged to do those tickets.
  • Add a link to our own documentatio in Kiwi.
  • Does not apply to Finna issues.
  • Does not apply to plugins. For example, printer plugin, made by Bywater, they might have a Github project.
  • At least, describe the issue in Kiwi. Slack is not good for this purpose.

3. Other issues

  • Question about component parts: no changes, the parts will come along with the replication.

    • In progress.
    • Translation mistake, "kausijulkaisut"?
  • Tuudo:

    • functionalities are ready

    • discussed if possible to test before going alive
    • Koha-plugin should be installed after Koha upgrade
    • permissions need to be narrowed
  • Voyager fines: there are some fines remaining from Voyager time where fines were still in accruing situation in Voyager. There was incorrect information if the item was returned or not.
    • SQL-query that will list these fines is: 
      select * from accountlines where accounttype = "O" and amountoutstanding > 0 and itemnumber IS NULL;
      (have to check this SQL query, if this a right one or not
    • This might have been copied from somewhere, it's the general idea but there might be minor issues that need fixing.
    • Are there results to report in the first place?
    • If there are such, libraries should check how these look like and then fix fines in table.
    • Fees should be fixed after updating to 20.XX version
  • Translating Koha
    • Can we have a 20.11 sandbox? – If Bywater, you need to specify master - but it does not work at the moment.
  • Sandboxes
    • have had other problems, so have the translation tool. Joonas has mentioned these things in the community
    • For sandboxes, a fix is being worked on.
    • Finna view to old Koha test server? "koha-kk". →

  • Numerous renewals
    • There is a rule, noRenewalBefore. should be the same as the renewal period, then you can renew once a day.
    • Let's notify all libraries.
  • Statistics
    • KK will run the statistics for the Consortium costs distribution.
    • Also, Sanasto statistics will be done by KK
    • Let's discuss KITT statistics in the next meeting

4. Next meeting 

  • General Meeting on Dec 7th. Will nominate new members to specialist group. Please suggest people.
  • Meetings will be in Finnish in 2021.
  • Next scheduled meeting is on Tuesday Dec 8th 13-14.30.

  • No labels