Versions Compared


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Edellinen kokous: 2021-11-25 Pääkäyttäjäverkoston kokous



Kehittäjätuokio / Developers' hour


  • Problems with holding records and with items & MARC frameworks, for example callnumber is not automatically copied from holding to item, as it should.
  • DIAK: deleting an item takes a lot of time.
    • New version of Koha deletes items "in batch", even when you're deleting just one item. Andrii will check the case in Diak server.
  • Hanken: item duplicates seem to have a loan history.
    • When you copy an item, it copies also some unwanted data, like the last borrowed date etc. Andrii will fix it.
    • It's good for all to be aware that they're creating some mess at the statistics at the moment.
    • A This is a good example of a function that is not clearly documented on the Koha Manual. No There's no proper documentation on how it's supposed to work or how it's supposed to be used.
    • Hannu: You can fix this (temporarily) in MARC frameworks settings. (MARC-luettelointipohjat - Oletus luettelointipohjan rakenne - Tag 952 Subfield structure). Choose which subfields you want to prevent from duplicating by changing the value in Managed in tab -field to IGNORE. The side effect is that ignored fields will also disappear from edit item page and batch item modification page.
    • SubfieldsToUseWhenPrefill would maybe help, too?

  • Empty items: Anyone else noticed empty items (eg no item type or location) being created when adding multiple items in Acquisition? We noticed it from the Database consistency report mentioned earlier

  • There's a database consistency report, made by Koha-Toimisto, that you can use to see what errors you have in your database. See
    serverKansalliskirjaston JIRA
    for details.
  • Comments from a member not present today:
    • Something changed in the Koha appearance, but not clear what it is.

    • The music component part records (osakohteet) are more clear now, better than before!


  • Let's get back to this when we are using the new version of Koha and see which (still untranslated) phrases we need the most. - maybe next time?



    • 16.12. korkeakoulukirjastojen tilastokokous →saadaan yhteiset tilastomääritykset.

    • Koha-toimisto voi ajaa vanhan skriptin ja lähettää tulokset.


  • Hankintaryhmä katsoo tilannetta seuraavan kerran 14.12., kokouksessa myös Melinda-tiimistä edustus.


  • Toivottiin yhteistä tiedotusalustojen läpikäyntiä jossakin seuraavassa kokouksessa. Esim. JIRA, slackSlack. Jos jollakin ei vielä ole pääsyä Slackiin, voi pyytää kutsun Esa-Pekalta.


  • Seuraava kokous torstaina 13.1.2022. klo 13-14?.
  • Uusi puheenjohtaja Hannu lähettää kalenterikutsut ja zoom-linkin kaikille.
