FinELib consortium centrally acquires electronic resources for its member organisations. Consortium members include Finnish universities, universities of applied sciences, research institutes and public libraries (see the list of consortium members). Each member decides independently what resources to subscribe to through the consortium. The consortium’s service unit, the FinELib office, is located in the National Library. The FinELib office negotiates the agreements and pricing, collects orders from consortium members, signs the agreements and invoices licence fees from consortium members.

Important considerations to be taken into account regarding e-resources acquired by FinELib consortium include:


The FinELib consortium does not charge commission on e-resources acquired through the consortium. Members pay the price determined by the publisher or the agent for the subsription. With regard to journal packages, the cost division model of the consortium may be used, where the overall price of the e-resource will be redistributed among the subscribers.

You are free to base your product pricing on the consortium members user figures.

The invoicing is done centrally by the FinELib office, so you can send one invoice for FinELib consortium.

New e-resources

Every year, consortium members select some new e-resources for consortium negotiations. They are selected by a vote in which all consortium member organisations may participate.

If you wish to market your products to members of the FinELib consortium, you can fill in the  e-resource presentation form. The information is available for consortium members for one year. Marketing information is meant especially to support the consortium members direct acquisitions, but the members may also propose that resources marketed through this channel be accepted for consortium negotiations.