Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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The current actual build is v22.05.682693, installed on all productions and test servers.

Build 693:


  1. Fixed the Zebra search engine when using ICU* so that 880 fields are rewritten as their linked fields and the alternate graphic representation of fields are indexed, in the same way that it works for Elasticsearch. (Bug 15187)
  2. Fixed a bug in the Circulation statistics wizard. Previously, the wizard only looked at existing items to calculate statistics. It now includes transactions made on items that are now deleted. (Bug 21982)
  3. Fixed the problem that caused the canceling holds from 'Holds awaiting pickup' to reset the selected tab. (Bug 30878)
  4. Fixed the formatting of dates on the cashup summary modal (it uses the existing $datetime JS include). (Bug 31121)
  5. Fixed the problems with batch edit item crashing when plugins are enabled. (Bug 31223)
  6. Holds request with no barcode are not allowed anymore. (Bug 31086) 


  1. New enhancement that allows end users to define their account notices (print receipt and print invoice for example) at the debit type and credit type level. (Bug 26689)
  2. New enhancement that adds a second, automatic, search with the search terms between quotation marks when a search returns no results. (Bug 31213)

Build 682:


  1. Fixed holds placed using SIP2 to check that the patron can actually place a hold for the item. (Bug 29094)
  2. Fixed an issue where barcodes with white spaces at the beginning could not be added to a list. (Bug 29114)
  3. Fixed the sorting of call numbers when using Elasticsearch. Sorting will now work correctly for non-numeric call numbers, for example, E45 will now sort before E7. (Bug 29632)
  4. Fixed the display of library groups in the advanced search (Groups of libraries) for the OPAC and staff interface so that they correctly sort in alphabetical order. (Bug 29922)
  5. Fixed an error that was displayed when adding a splitting rule to classifications sources (Administration > Catalog > Classification configuration). (Bug 29951)
  6. Fixed editing items without an accession date - the accessioned date will remain empty, instead of being updated to today's date. (Bug 29958)
  7. Fixed queries with OR don't work with limits (Elasticsearch) (Bug 30152)
  8. Fixed the width of the table for the print summary so that it fits the width of the page. (Bug 30837)
  9. Fixed the import of quotes from a CSV file for the Quote of the Day feature. (Bug 30903)
  10. Fixed the formatting of amounts on the cashup summary modal (it uses the existing format_price JS include to format prices).  For example, the amount for a product was formatted as 15 instead of 15.00. (Bug 31038)
  11. Fixed a duplicate print dialogue box appearing when printing the cashup summary for cash registers - ins some circumstances when cancelling the print dialogue, it reappeared instead of closing. (Bug 31039)
  12. Fixed a regression introduced in Koha 21.11 that inadvertently removed the date due in the staff interface search results. (Bug 31071)
  13. Fixed problem that duplicate item is duplicating internal item fields (Bug 31179)


  1. New enhancement that shows recalls ready for pick-up on the patron's account so they can't be missed. (Bug 30905)
  2. New enhancement that highlights the due date for an overdue item in red on the Circulation > Overdues page. (This is consistent with how an overdue date is displayed in other areas of the staff interface, such as on a patron's list of checkouts.) (Bug 27996)
  3. Changed recall fulfillment actions to log with the FILL action, same as holds. It will also update existing recalls FULFILL actions in the database to use the FILL action. (Bug 30823)
  4. Updated the number of results set by default in Elasticsearch for the setting "index.max-result-window" from  10,000 to 1,000,000. This can be useful for really large catalogs. (Bug 30882)
  5. Sort SMS providers in alphabetical order for SMS provider drop-down at (Bug 20439)
  6. Corrected various typos and terminologies (Bug 30762, 30763, 30764, 30766, 30767, 30769, 30773, 30784)


  1. Added validation to the subscription entry form to check that the values for these fields are numbers: Number of issues to display to staff and number of issues to display to the public. (Bug 24010)
  2. Added information about non-indexed records when using the Elasticsearch search engine on the About Koha > System information page. (Bug 27667)
  3. Added the last missing piece for cash management when involving transactions via a SIP client. (Bug 31036)

Build 673:


  1. Fixed the cause of “CGI::param called in list context from” warning messages that appear in the log files when viewing record detail pages in the staff interface. (Bug 30997)
  2. Fixed an upgrade error that could result in data loss when upgrading from earlier releases to 20.05 (and later releases). It results in the claim_dates for orders being replaced with the date the upgrade was run. (This was caused by an error in the database update for bug 24161 – Add ability to track the claim dates of later orders.) (Bug 30539)
  3. Fixed how the discount amount for an order is stored and shown when an order is added to a basket using “From staged MARC records”. The discount amount was incorrectly stored in the database and shown incorrectly when modifying the order (for example, a 25% discount shown as 0.2500 in the database and .25% on the form). This would result in the order amount changing when modifying an order. (Bug 29607)
  4. Fixed the acquisitions home page to show the column configuration button.
  5. Fixed UNIMARC authority editing when using ‘Replace record via Z3950/SRU search’. When pre-populating the search form the value of 210$a (Authorized Access Point – Corporate Body Name) now goes into the Author (corporate) search form field instead of Author (meeting / conference). (Bug 29260)
  6. Fixed tags with special characters (such as +) so that the searching returns results when the tag is selected (from the record detail view in the OPAC and staff interface, and from the search results, tag cloud, and list pages in the OPAC). (Bug 30989)
  7. Fixed the date of birth field for the patron entry form so that the calendar widget does not let you select a date in the future. (Bug 30713)
  8. Fixed a page not found error message generated after fixing validation errors when editing a patron (where the validation/error message is shown at the top of the page – below the patron name, but before the Save and Cancel buttons). (This was introduced by bug 29684: Fix warn about js/locale_data.js in 22.05.) (Bug 30868)
  9. Fixed background tasks crashes caused by (for example: Elastic Search reindex) branch names that contain non-ASCII characters. (Bug Koha-324)


  1. New enhancement that replaces “Display/Don’t display” with “Show/Don’t show” for several system preferences to improve terminology consistency and make translation easier. A few preferences were also updated where “Yes/No” and “Show/Hide” were used. (Bug 27519)
  2. New enhancement that updates the template for the patron set permissions page (members/ to use the include wherever patron names are referenced. This is used to format patron name names consistently, rather than a custom format each time the patron name is referenced. The patron name is now displayed as “Set permissions for firstname lastname (patron card number), instead of “Set permissions for lastname, firstname”. (Bug 30806)
  3. New enhancement that updates the templates for patron accounting – make a payment tab and payment pages (pay and write off options) to use the include wherever patron names are referenced. This is used to format patron name names consistently, rather than a custom format each time the patron name is referenced. The patron name is now displayed as “Make a payment for firstname lastname (patron card number)” and “Pay charges for firstname lastname (patron card number)”. (Bug 30807)
  4. New enhancement that enables librarians with only “place_holds” permissions to cancel, suspend and resume holds using the REST API. (Bug 30780)
  5. Updated the text for the SMSSendDriver system preference. The Email SMS driver option is no longer recommended unless you use a dedicated SMS to Email gateway. Many mobile providers offer inconsistent support for the email to SMS gateway (sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t), which can cause frustration for patrons. (Bug 28355)
  6. Added validation to the “Password expiration” field on the patron category form. If letters or other characters were entered, there was no error message. If what was entered was not a number, then it was not saved. (Bug 30864)


  1. Added validation to the "Password expiration" field on the patron category form. If letters or other characters were entered, there was no error message. If what was entered was not a number, then it was not saved. (Bug 30864)
  2. Enhancement that enables librarians with only "place_holds" permissions to cancel, suspend and resume holds using the REST API. (Bug 30780)
  3. Enhancement that replaces "Display/Don't display" with "Show/Don't show" for several system preferences to improve terminology consistency and make translation easier. A few preferences were also updated where "Yes/No" and "Show/Hide" were used. (Bug 27519)
  4. Enhancement that updates the templates for patron accounting - make a payment tab and payment pages (pay and write off options) to use the include wherever patron names are referenced. This is used to format patron name names consistently, rather than a custom format each time the patron name is referenced. The patron name is now displayed as "Make a payment for firstname lastname (patron card number)" and "Pay charges for firstname lastname (patron card number)". (Bug 30807)
  5. Enhancement that removes the [EXPERIMENTAL] text from the RESTOAuth2ClientCredentials system preference description. OAuth2 has been in use by third parties to securely interact with Koha since its introduction in 2018. (Bug 30923)
  6. Improved the way barcode gets trimmed from trailing whitespaces. (Bug 30409)
  7. Updated the text for the SMSSendDriver system preference. The Email SMS driver option is no longer recommended unless you use a dedicated SMS to Email gateway. Many mobile providers offer inconsistent support for the email to SMS gateway (sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't), which can cause frustration for patrons. (Bug 28355)


  1. Fixed the cause of "CGI::param called in list context from" warning messages that appear in the log files when viewing record detail pages in the staff interface. (Bug 30997)
  2. Fixed tags with special characters (such as +) so that the searching returns results when the tag is selected (from the record detail view in the OPAC and staff interface, and from the search results, tag cloud, and list pages in the OPAC). (Bug 30989)
  3. Fixed the acquisitions home page to show the column configuration button. (Bug 30938)
  4. Fixed an upgrade error that could result in data loss when upgrading from earlier releases to 20.05 (and later releases). It results in the claim_dates for orders being replaced with the date the upgrade was run. (This was caused by an error in the database update for bug 24161 - Add ability to track the claim dates of later orders.) (Bug 30539)
  5. Fixed how the discount amount for an order is stored and shown when an order is added to a basket using "From staged MARC records". The discount amount was incorrectly stored in the database and shown incorrectly when modifying the order (for example, a 25% discount shown as 0.2500 in the database and .25% on the form). This would result in the order amount changing when modifying an order. (Bug 29607)
  6. Fixed the date of birth field for the patron entry form so that the calendar widget does not let you select a date in the future. (Bug 30713)
  7. Fixed UNIMARC authority editing when using 'Replace record via Z3950/SRU search'. When pre-populating the search form the value of 210$a (Authorized Access Point - Corporate Body Name) now goes into the Author (corporate) search form field instead of Author (meeting / conference). (Bug 29260)

Build 650:


  1. Fixed the display of item-specific local cover images in the staff interface. Before this, item images were not shown for holdings on the record's details view page. (Bug 30234)
  2. Fixed the hard-coded limit of 100 when merging authorities (when Elasticsearch is the search engine). When merging authorities where the term is used over 100 times, only the first 100 authorities would be merged and the old term deleted, irrespective of the value set in the AuthorityMergeLimit system preference. (Bug 30883)
  3. Fixed the problem related to placing item-level holds without a pick-up place. (Bug 30960)
  4. Fixed an error when a mandatory patron attribute limited to a specific patron category was causing a '500 error' when editing a patron not in that category. (Bug 31005)


  1. Added a new system preference 'DefaultHoldPickupLocation'. This preference will allow the library to determine which library is the default for pickup location dropdowns while placing holds in the staff client. The options are logged in library, homebranch, or holdingbranch. Previously the behavior was inconsistent, and varied between versions. Libraries may need to adjust this preference after upgrade to mirror their expected workflow. (Bug 23659)
  2. Added support for barcode filters for the inputs in the course reserves module. (Bug 30840)


  1. Fixed OPAC detail's page bug, where the page was limited to the current page of results and it was not possible to browse to another page when using Elasticsearch. (Bug 30844)
  2. Fixed flatpickr's "yesterday" shortcut to work if entry is limited to past dates. (Bug 30726)
  3. Fixed the problem related to page not found error message was generated after fixing validation errors when editing a patron. (Bug 30868)
  4. Fixed "No patron card numbers or borrowernumbers given." warning when using patron modification tool. (Bug 30884)

Build 644:


  1. Fixed 
    serverKansalliskirjaston JIRA
    (no community bug number yet)
  2. Fixed problem with Holds to Pull ( ) ignoring holds if priority 1 hold was suspended. (Bug 30337)
  3. Fixed problem with holds table not displaying when it contained a biblio without a title. (Bug 28723)
  4. Fixed the descriptions for the AdvancedSearchTypes and OpacAdvancedSearchTypes system preferences - sentence case is now used for "..Shelving location..". (Bug 30786)
  5. Fixed typos in OPAC reset password template. (Bug 30761)


  1. Change the way we display tabs to make it more consistently in patron details. (Bug 30695)
  2. Added new real-time holds queue feature. As a default syspref RealTimeHoldsQueue is set to Disable (updating the holds queue in real time). Libraries, who want real time update for the holds queue, can select Enable. (Bug 30728)
  3. Added the biblio.subtitle to the serial subscription details page. (Bug 30205)
  4. Added a check for both mandatory and important fields when validating bibliographic records during cataloguing. (Bug 30159)
  5. Added a new option to the SIP config, `inhouse_patron_categories`. Adding a comma-separated list of patron category codes to this option will cause the SIP checkout to never send the 'demagnetize' command to the checkout preventing said users from removing the items from the library. (Bug 26370)
  6. Added a new option for staff users to manage the contents of public lists from the staff client and OPAC. This patchset also allows superlibrarian users, or those with the 'edit_public_lists' sub-permission, to edit the configuration of existing public lists. (Bug 26346)
  7. Added ID's to the action buttons on the OverDrive results page in order to make them easier to individually style. (Bug 29845)
  8. Added the system preference PatronSelfModificationMandatoryField in order to separate borrower registration from borrower modification. Initial value is a copy of system preference PatronSelfRegistrationBorrowerMandatoryField. (Bug 13188)
  9. Added an initial optional implementation of two-factor authentication (2FA) to improve security when logging into the staff interface. This implementation uses time-based, one-time passwords (TOTP) as the second factor, letting librarians use an application to handle it and provide them the code they need when logging in. It is enabled using the new system preference "TwoFactorAuthentication". Librarians can then enable 2FA for their account from More > Manage Two-Factor authentication. To setup: 1) Scan the QR code with an authenticator app. 2) Enter the one time code generated. For future logins, librarians are prompted to enter the authenticator code after entering their normal login credentials. Any authenticator app, such as Google Authenticator, andOTP, and many others can be used. Applications that enable backup of their 2FA accounts (either cloud-based or automatic) are recommended. (Bug 28786)
  10. Added the ability to edit quick spine labels after they have been generated. (Bug 29824)
  11. Added the patron category as a new column to Circulation > Holds queue. (Bug 29760)
  12. Added sample quotes from women, women of colour, trans women, Black and Indigenous women, and people who weren't US Presidents! (Bug 29722)
  13. Added a new option to patron imports allowing imports to trigger sending the 'WELCOME' notice for new user accounts created via this mechanism. (Bug 29005)

  14. Added a "Print hold/transfer" button to so staff can reprint hold/transfer slips without re-checking an item. (Bug 29338)
  15. Added the option to take a photo of the patron via a webcam for patron photos. (Bug 6734)
  16. New enhancement that adds a button to the more menu of the patron details page allowing staff to manually trigger sending the WELCOME notice to the user. (Bug 9097)
  17. New enhancement that extends the 'AutoEmailOpacUser' feature to also send WELCOME notices to users who register via the opac self registration system. (Bug 30214)
  18. New enhancement that adds the option to resolve a return claim upon the next check-in of the item. (Bug 29519)
  19. New enhancement that made the cataloging reservoir search results a configurable DataTable. This adds column configuration, export, and sorting. The empty edition and date columns are removed, and an import data column is added. (Bug 29391)
  20. New enhancement that adds a handy method for checking if a patron meets the conditions to be deleted. (Bug 29741)
  21. New enhancement that gives notices access to a patron's messaging preferences. For example, a hold slip could contain a line if the patron has requested SMS notifications for waiting holds, or perhaps phone notifications. The format for this new method is as follows: [% patron.has_messaging_preference({ message_name => 'Item_Checkout', message_transport_type => 'email' }) %] (Bug 30076)
  22. New enhancement that makes the authority MARC preview modal available for the general authority search results. (Bug 29965)
  23. New enhancement improves the display of MARC field 260 in the detail page for the OPAC and staff interface by using the order of subfields in the record.  Previously, $a$b$a$b would display as aabb. (Bug 15594)
  24. New feature allows the import and export of authority types to match the capabilities of biblio frameworks. (Bug 13952)
  25. New enhancement that changes the patron page (detail and circulation) so that is uses the API to suspend and resume holds on the holds tab. (Bug 28377)
  26. New enhancement that adds the item call number to the ILS-DI GetAvailability output. This is useful for libraries that use discovery tools as patrons often don't check further for the call number, and then they don't have it when they look for the item. (Bug 28238)
  27. New enhancement, as part of improving the accessibility of the staff interface, makes the main topic/title of the page the `h1` rather than the logo. (Bug 27631)
  28. New enhancement enables customising the authority search results summary in the staff interface using XSLT (for MARC21 and UNIMARC). (Bug 11083)
  29. New enhancement moves the definition of translatable strings for serial subscriptions ( out of templates and into the corresponding JavaScript file, using the new JS i81n function. (Bug 26257)
  30. New enhancement adds a new system preference StaffHighlightWords. This enables highlighting of words in search results for the staff interface to be turned on or off. (Bug 20398)
  31. New feature introduces the ability for patrons to place a recall on an item from the OPAC detail. Patrons can see details of their requested recalls in the OPAC and can cancel the recall before it is returned. Librarians can view and administer the recalls in the Circulation interface of the staff interface which displays a list of recalls, overdue recalls, recalls awaiting pickup, recalls to pull, and old recalls.The amount of time the recalled item has to be returned and the amount of time it will wait for pickup can be set in circulation and fine rules in the unit of days. After an item is recalled it cannot be renewed. When the item is returned the recall can be confirmed or cancelled. Recalls are marked as overdue by the cronjob or expired by the cronjob. (Bug 19532)
  32. New enhancement adds the due date of an item to the item search results. The due date column will also show when exporting results to a CSV file. (Bug 17748)
  33. New enhancement that sets default messaging preferences for patrons that get crated from API. (Bug 22993)
  34. New enhancement that moves all the Koha REST API specification from json to YAML format. It also corrects two named parameters incorrectly in camelCase to sanake_case (fundidPathParam => fund_id_pp, vendoridPathParam => vendor_id_pp). (Bug 29620)
  35. Added the ability to define password_expiry_days for a patron category. (Bug 29924)
  36. Added ability for superlibrarians to edit password expiration dates, as well to do that in batches. (Bug 29926)


  1. Fixed cronjob. (Bug 30776)
  2. Fixed column settings for otherholdings table. (Bug 30747)
  3. Fixed filtering by patron attribute with AV in overdues report. (Bug 30735)
  4. Fixed permissions check for batch action links in result list. (Bug 30720)
  5. Fixed upload tool buttons to work on mobile-size screens. (Bug 30701)
  6. Fixed JavaScript in authorities templates so that clicking "Edit" on the authority detail page will take you to the authority edit page while keeping the same tab open and corrected JavaScript which should have been automatically moving the cursor focus to the first form field when switching tabs in the editor. (Bug 30422)
  7. Fixed JavaScript moneyFormat function in by making it consistent with the one in (Bug 30139)
  8. Fixed markup error in detail page's component parts tab by adding a missing </div> to the bibliographic detail page template (Bug 30721)
  9. [dev] Fixed problems with holds reminder cronjob ( it used DateTime::subtract wrong and kept recalculating date (Bug 30666), and it never used default letter template (Bug 30667)
  10. Fixed a small typo in the breadcrumbs section for ILL requests it had an extra &rsaquo; HTML entity after "Home". (Bug 29514)
  11. Fixed the saved reports page so that the NumSavedReports system preference works as intended the number of reports listed should default to the value in the system preference (the initial default is 20). (Bug 29488)
  12. Fixed an issue when adding or editing record subfields using the authority plugin and it has a value with more than 100 characters. (When a subfield has more than 100 characters it changes to a text area rather than a standard input field, this caused JavaScript issues when using authority terms over 100 characters.) (Bug 28853)
    Corrected a problem on the administration page for circulation desks where the default library was always being set to the logged in library instead of the library of the desk. (Bug 30107)
  13. Fixed the "Filter paid transactions" link in the staff interface on the Patron account > Accounting > Transactions tab. Now it correctly filters the list of transactions only transactions with an outstanding amount greater than zero are shown ("Show all transactions" clears the filter). Before this fix, clicking on the link didn't do anything and didn't filter any of the transactions as expected. (Bug 29952)
  14. Fixed the logic controlling whether a patron message on the circulation or patron details page has a "Delete" link. An error in the logic prevented messages from being removed by staff who should have been authorized to do so. (Bug 29889)
  15. Fixed the problem with Branches TT plugin had wrong logic in it, that made it crash, or display wrong pickup locations when the item/biblio didn't have any valid pickup location. (Bug 29807)
  16. Fixed an issue with the Holds to Pull report in which an incorrect barcode number could be shown for an item-level hold. The correct barcode will now be shown. (Bug 29786)
  17. Fixed an issue introduced by bug 26352 in 21.11 that caused the AutoSwitchPatron system preference to no longer work. (When AutoSwitchPatron is enabled and a patron barcode is scanned instead of a book, it automatically redirects to the patron.) (Bug 29637)
  18. Fixed an issue when upgrading from 21.05.x to 21.11 the uniq_lang unique key is failing to be created because several rows with the same subtag and type exist in database table language_subtag_registry. (Bug 29631)
  19. Fixed a minor HTML issue with the clubs enrollment form in the OPAC. The "Finish enrollment" button is now positioned correctly inside the bordered area and uses standard colors. (Bug 29611)
  20. Fixed the display of pending suggestions in the staff interface so that it now shows pending suggestions for all libraries, for example: "Suggestions pending approval: Centerville: 0 / All libraries: 1.". Previously suggestions pending approval was only shown if there were suggestions for the user's current library. (Bug 29571)
  21. Fixed an issue when adding or editing record subfields using the authority plugin and it has a value with more than 100 characters. (When a subfield has more than 100 characters it changes to a text area rather than a standard input field, this caused JavaScript issues when using authority terms over 100 characters.) (Bug 28853)
  22. Fixed the search and display of older transactions in the cash register so that items from today are included in the results. Previously, transactions for the current day were incorrectly not included. (Bug 28481)
  23. Fixed the POS transactions page so that the total for the sale and the amount to collect are the same. Before this a POS transaction with multiple items in the Sale box, say for example 9 x .10 items, the total in the Sale box appears correct, but the amount to Collect from Patron is off by a cent. (Bug 27801)
  24. Fixed hiding notes fields (5XX in MARC21 and 3XX in UNIMARC) using NotesToHide. Before this you could hide one field and it worked. However, when hiding multiple fields one field would still always be visible. Now hiding notes fields works as expected. (Bug 17127)
  25. Fixed a string in Koha to MARC mappings ( so that it can be correctly translated (excludes "\n" from what is translated), and capitalization for the breadcrumb link: Administration > Koha to MARC mappings. (Bug 29529)
  26. Fixed the performance and display of patron search results when placing a hold from a record details page using the staff interface. Patron results are now paginated and all the results are now available previously all results were listed on one page, which could cause performance issues. (Bug 29136)
  27. Fixed placing club holds so that checks are correctly made and warning messages displayed when patrons are debarred or have outstanding fees and charges. (Bug 29115)
  28. Fixed the REST API route for deleting patrons so that it now checks for guarantees, debts, and current checkouts. If any of these checks fail, the patron is not deleted. (Bug 29018)
  29. Fixed the cleanup_database script so that the option to delete unverified self registrations (del-unv-selfreg) works. It also adds this option to the standard crontab, defaulting to 14 days (the default notice says unverified registrations will expire "shortly"). (Bug 28962)
