FinELib consortium’s agreement with Elsevier offers the researchers an opportunity to publish their articles open access with a discount in Elsevier journals. The discount is 50% of the journal’s APC-list price (APC=article processing charge).

Discount is available when these conditions are met:

Elsevier’s APC prices are defined per journal. The prices are displayed on APC price list and also visible on journal homepages. Please remember to ensure that you have the funding for the discounted APC payment.

Publishing an article open access with the FinELib discount in Elsevier journals – instructions to the corresponding author:

The instructions below describe the general process. Please note that your organization may have a defined process e.g. for invoicing. We recommend that you contact your library/information service when planning to publish an article open access in Elsevier journals.


  1. When the article, in which you are the corresponding author, is accepted, Elsevier sends you an e-mail and asks you to fill in the Rights and access form.
  2. When you want your article to be published open access, please remember to ensure that you have the funding for the discounted APC payment.
  3. When filling in the  Elsevier Rights and access form, please choose:
  1. Complete the form. Please note that for technical reasons this form shows you the list price of the APC payment, not the discounted one. The 50% discount is calculated from this price.
  2. Elsevier publishes the article open access.
  3. Your organization’s library/information service will be  informed  that you have chosen open access publishing for your article and will confirm your affiliation to Elsevier.
  4. APC invoice: Different organizations have different invoicing processes for Elsevier APC invoices. We recommend that contact your organisation's library/information service.

See also:

If you need further information or help with OA publish process, please do not hesitate to contact your library/information service.