
Digitised collection of newspapers published in Finland from the 18th century up until 1920.

Detailed description (in Finnish)

User interfaceNewspapers at
Data downloadsZip packages, which custom XML contains metadata, ALTO XML, and raw text of a page. Data packages contain material until 1910.
LicenseTerms of use (in Finnish).



Content typeFulltext and metadata
LanguageFinnish, Swedish, Russian
Data statusPrimary source
Size3,2 M pages
Update frequency-
External information

Exporting Finnish Digitized Historical Newspaper Contents for Offline Use. D-Lib Magazine, 22(7/8).

Kansalliskirjaston digitoitu historiallinen lehtiaineisto 1771–1910: sanatason laatu, kokoelmien käyttö ja laadun parantaminen. Vol 35 Nro 3 (2016): Informaatiotutkimuksen päivät 2016

Contact information[email protected]
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