Repository services - service description

The National Library of Finland offer systems and support for online publication of digital resources. The basic service includes tools for entering, managing and online publication of resources, as well as user support, tape backups and user interfaces for using the digital repositories from other systems. As an added service, we convert data from customers' other systems and refine it into an integral, well-structured repository. The service includes technology and tools for online publication; the customer is responsible for the content, such as entering and managing the materials. 

The easiest way to join the service is to become part of Doria, a centralised repository used by numerous organisations. Should the customer have a great number of special requirements, a separate, more tailored repository can be created to support them. Key parts of the technology have been implemented using the open source DSpace software, which has been adapted to suit our purposes. In addition, we also use our own software to complement the package. In addition to Doria, we maintain i Fenno-Ugrica, Fragmenta Membranea, Julkari, Jukuri, Kaisu, Lauda, LutPub, Osuva, OuluREPO, Taju, Theseus, Trepo, UTUPub and Valto..

The aim of the Repository services is to support open access to publications produced by the public sector in a persistent and uniform manner. Organisations can focus on their core functions, and information seekers will benefit from the fact that publications are easy to find and harmoniously described. The service is a fee-based business; the costs of the service are covered by the fees. However, the costs incurred are low compared to an organisation managing its own repository. Read more about the phasing of the service rollout, agreements and prices here (in Finnish), or contact us by e-mail: kk-julkaisuarkistot(at)