
Kansalliskirjaston Kuvailusääntöpalvelu työstää alustavat linjaukset.

Kumea kommentoi linjauksia ja tuottaa tarpeelliset esimerkit.

Muusan uudet linjausehdotukset tummanoranssilla.

Kuvailusääntöpalvelu kopioi manifestaation linjaukset ja esimerkit RDA Toolkitiin 2021/10-11

Vihreällä vanhat linjaukset

Punaisella huomioitavat asiat

Linjaukset ja esimerkit

manifestaatio (= manifestaation pääsivu):

abbreviated title:

accessibility content:

applied material:

base material:

bibliographic format:

broadcast standard:

carrier type:

cartographic datatype:

colour content:

configuration of playback channels:

contributor person of still image:

contributor family of still image:

contributor corporate body of still image:

contributor corporate body to aggregate:

contributor person to aggregate:

contributor family to aggregate:

copyright date:

date of distribution:

date of manifestation:

date of manufacture:

date of production:

date of publication:

designation of edition:

designation of named revision of edition:


dimensions of cartographic image:

dimensions of still image:

emulsion on microfilm and microfiche:

encoding format:

equipment or system requirement:

Expression manifested:

extent of manifestation:

file type:

font size:

identifier of manifestation:

illustrative content:


media type:

name of agent of manifestation:

name of distributor:

name of manifacturer:

name of publisher:

note on manifestation:

numbering of sequence:

numbering within sequence:

other title information:

parallell title proper:

place of manufacture:

playing speed:

presentation format:

production method:

recording medium:

related manifestation of manifestation:

reproduced as manifestation:

reproduction of manifestation of:

restriction on access to manifestation:

restriction on use of manifestation:

special playback characteristic:

statement of responsibility:

statement of responsibility relating to title proper:

term of availibility:

title of manifestation:

title proper:

type of recording:

uniform resource locator:

video format:

work manifested: