You can write search terms in the search box to search in the whole LUTPub.

The search can be done also in a selected collection.

You can combine search terms by using Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT).

Search results are arranged by relevance. The results can be sorted by title, by publishing date or by the date of saving via clicking the wheel symbol.

Search tips

Truncation of terms

Search terms can be truncated by * (asterisk).

Marks inside the search term can also be replaced or leaved empty by the truncation mark (*, asterisk).

manag* (management, managing, manager …)

colo*r (color or colour)


Phrases are written inside quotation marks, “.

energy consumption”

You can use truncation inside the phrase, “energy consum*”

Keyword search

You can search by one or by several search terms. If there are several words written in the search box they will automatically be combined by AND operator. This means that all the words must be found in each search result.

Modifying the search (refining search results)

Click the “Show advanced filters” link.

You can choose the search field (Filters: dropdown menu) which you want to use to refine your results.

The available search fields are: title, author, subject, date issued, content type, type of thesis, degree programme, organizational unit.