Torstaina 19.5.2022

Etäkokous Zoomilla klo 13-14.

Linkki lähetetty pääkäyttäjäpostituslistalle.

Edellinen kokous: 2022-05-05 Pääkäyttäjäverkoston kokous 


Kehittäjätuokio / Developers' hour

      • Koha upgrade: KOHA-66 - KK-Koha release 17: Spring'22 (Koha 22.05)

        • Upgrade will be at the beginning of June.
        • It is recommended for libraries to have superlibrarians available 1-2 weeks after the upgrade, so that possible errors and bugs are reported before holidays.
        • 3AMK is the piloting library. Documentation on piloting: Release 22.05 pilot library memo
        • New version installed in test-server
        • KK-team release 22.05 (17th) changelogs
  • Week 19 3AMK to be installed and piloting in parallel with the community - piloting going on week 20.
  • If last things get fixed, upgrade on Monday 23th morning. 
    • A couple of issues still open, Andrii looks at these. 
      • Adding holdings issue, 500 error. 
      • Tuudo: Tuudo have test server access, wondered about version number, but it's all right. 
        • Need to wait on their results before going to production. 
      • Finna fixes, needs to checked if in the production Finna. 
      • Saija had problems with printing old slips, but others have had no issues. "Couldn't print it normally when returning an item with a hold in pickup-library. I had to print it from hold que." Will look at this with Johanna today. 
    • Online payments through Finna have been checked today. 
    • When in production, first thing is checking automates etc.
  • All other libraries - in week 22 (1st days of June, exact date in 2 weeks)
    • We check on Monday May 30th if the upgrade is GO. Then upgrade probably on June 1st. 
  • Translations, what is the deadline? Master translation is not yet locked. Andrii assumes it will happen soon. But it doesn't mean you need to stop translating. Missing ones can be upgraded later in a minor upgrade. You can actually always work with them, and changes will eventually appear in production, if you spot mistakes for example. 
  • Translations, will old translations survive: Yes. If there is no conflict, it does not show yellow/red. 
  • It would be great if more people could contribute in translation. Inkeri will let people to Joonas's video. 

Muut asiat / Other business

Greetings from asiantuntijaryhmä meeting 17.5.2022

Mostly upgrade, and June seminar issues. 

New fields in Marc21-format:

Changes in bibliographic Marc fields

007/13 (S) Äänite



340 - FYYSINEN VÄLINE (T) (kentän nimeksi Fyysinen tallenne?)


  • When these fields will be included in our Koha?
  • Sniffer (like Koha-Suomi has) would be good to have also in our Koha.

Related issue, automated MARC21 updates: KOHA-75 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Tasks depend on if they are indexed. 

We shall return to this after upgrade, no timetable yet. 

Seuraava kokous / Next meeting

  • 2.6.2022 ? UAS entrance exam week (e.g. Hannu not available)

  • No labels