Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Kehittäjätuokio / Developers' hour

  • After version update 21.11 duplicating items copied unwanted subfields (number of loans, date accessioned, etc.). Has this been fixed? Is there a ticket in Jira related to this?

    • Andrii will update here on 2022-01-13 afternoon

Kohan käännökset / Translating Koha

  • Some fixes made according to
    serverKansalliskirjaston JIRA
    Are they in production already?
    • "p2" solution still not correct: Andrii will update with Esa-Pekka.
    • "p1": Inkeri will append examples and proposals in the KOHA-215 ticket, but to keep in mind that "2" (or "6" as it was on another example) is always stays at the end of the string  
      • "Number 6" refers to a number of renewals, totally irrelevant actually, but may be must be retained. But it's not "syspref no 6" 
      • "Järjestelmäasetus esti uusinnan numero 6" or something like that

Pseudonymized_transactions and pseudonymized_borrower_attributes tables

  • This is running now fine. Or was there still something to be fixed with sort1 field and stat_cat?

Tilastot /Statistics

  • 16.12. korkeakoulukirjastojen tilastokokous →saadaan yhteiset tilastomääritykset. Onko tästä kerrottavaa?
  • Does Koha Office run the script and deliver the results to libraries? If yes, when?

Hankinnan tilanne?

  • Hankintaryhmä katsoi tilannetta 14.12. Onko tiedotettavaa / kysyttävää


  • Will be available during January. 


  • WG meeting 14.12. H-H will pilot with one provider.
  • Piloting needs to be done on the productions server. 
  • Andrii needs specifications for required installations, there will be a separate meeting. 
  • Jira
    serverKansalliskirjaston JIRA
    serverKansalliskirjaston JIRA

Other Business

  • JIRAn ja Slackin käyttö. Sovitaanko perehdytys seuraavalle tapaamiskerralle? Jos joku ei pääse Slackiin, voi pyytää kutsun Esa-Pekalta.
    • Could be recorded for future reference. 
    • Andrii and Esa-Pekka will plan the programme and suggest a date. 
  • Joulukuun webinaarin tuloksena suunnitteilla ERM-webinaari, tästä tulee myöhemmin lisätietoja. 

Seuraava kokous

  • 27.1.2022