Versions Compared


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  • All libraries will be updated to a new Koha version on February 15th, 2021. The upgrade starts circa 07.05 and takes about 10 minutes. During this time, there will be breaks in use of Koha, lasting a few minutes. Also, after upgrade there will be reindexing done for certain libraries. That will take 10 to 45 minutes, depending on the size of the database.
  • 264c will be added to the biblio table separately very possibly before this update. (Important to manage hold queues.)

2. Issues

  • Acquisitions price are incorrect (HAMK, XAMK)
    • In acquisition one should be careful to fill up all price fields when receiving items. Koha does not anymore update automatically Unitprice -fields when receiving items.
    • Ticket required → Redmine → Palaute-projekti
    • Reporting to Bugzilla may ofen often result in quick fixes.
  • Notices - borrower language
    • There is a new setting in Koha (from version 19.11.) for translating notices. (System preference: I18N/L10N preferences - TranslateNotices)
    • If the setting has been set Allow and there has been no noticetemplate for other languages (fi, en, sv-SE), no notices have been sent from borrowers having lang other that "default" or "fi-FI"
  • FIXED Borrower language
    • There are borrowers having language "fi" in databases. That is a conversion error and should be fixed to "fi-FI." FIXED
    • Important: If a library define a language for a patron, the library must see to that that either (1) language has the message templates for the language in question; or (2) that translating is disabled.
    • "fi" language code derives from Voyager and was not used until now. Until these are fixed do not switch the setting on, so that default template will be used > Fixed, setting can be turned on.
  • What if the notices are not sent? It is hard to know which notices are not sent (or created at all). 3AMK has tried to examine. Will share queries if they work. 1) One query in which sent message types can be compared e.g. with Excel. 2) Also created queries about loans, which had due date 4.11.-21.12. at the time when the queries were ran. Sysadmins went through manually all borrowers on the lists and checked if notices were created.
    • Reporting to Bugzilla may ofen often result in quick fixes.
    • Problem only with overdue messages, not with others? Joonas: we cannot be sure. Pre-warnings do work.
  • 3AMK Tuudo special case: Tuudo card holders began to receive extra messages. To be sure, 3AMK has made all templates although they are not currently in use.
  • Voyager fines: there are some fines remaining from Voyager time where fines were still in accruing situation in Voyager. There was incorrect information if the item was returned or not.
    • SQL-query that will list these fines is: 
    • SELECT * FROM accountlines WHERE debit_type_code="overdue" and itemnumber is null and amountoutstanding > 0 
    • Are there results to report in the first place? If there are such, libraries should check how these look like and then fix fines in table.
    • Fees should be fixed after updating to 20.XX version.
    • Myös Kohan aikaisia maksuja tilassa kertyvä maksu, vaikka palautettu.
    • KK has not have time to look at this yet.
    • Mia will send details about their case to koha-posti.


  • #T24 & #T25
    • if items cannot be transferred, hold button should be hidden
    • If no items (only biblio), hold button should be hidden
    • On the other hand, patron should be able to make hold and pick it up in that library. (Must be tested if works now)
    • Joonas is working with the root issue. Lots of necessary checks missing (Patron's fines, branch, etc.) Must make this follow circulation rules.
    • Same applies to holds-to-pull list, it does not follow circ rules. And transfers, different logic in different places, have similar issues.
    • This is big refactoring, will take Q1+Q2.
    • Will revisit in January.
    • No update at this time.
  • #F16 - Christian will ask from Finna-posti
    • Any translations in Koha (authorized values) - contains a description only, cannot have impact on this issue?
    • Code based translations do not work, shows only the description.
    • Something must have changed!
    • Johanna will look what is different in Metropolia: in Metropolia, they have done new translations, which have to cover all branches. For example:
      • location_Metropolia Arabia, Laina-aika 14 vrk = "Metropolia Arabia, Kahden viikon laina"
      • location_Metropolia Arabia, Laina-aika 28 vrk = "Metropolia Arabia, Neljän viikon laina"
      • location_Metropolia Arabia, Nuotit - Laina-aika 14 vrk = "Metropolia Arabia: Nuotit, Kahden viikon laina"

      • location_Metropolia Arabia, Nuotit - Laina-aika 28 vrk = "Metropolia Arabia: Nuotit, Neljän viikon laina"

      • location_Metropolia Karamalmi, Laina-aika 14 vrk = "Metropolia Karamalmi, Kahden viikon laina"

      • location_Metropolia Karamalmi, Laina-aika 28 vrk = "Metropolia Karamalmi, Neljän viikon laina"

    • Esa-Pekka will inquire again.
    • Forthcoming.

