The server runs nginx, redis, postgresql and the ocrui python software.

{ocrui-kk,ocrui} points to the nginx ocrui-prod vhost (production). points to the nginx ocrui-dev vhost (development).
This vhost only allows certain IP ranges inside the university. points to a new, Ubuntu-based server meant to replace the old Debian one,
but has not been configured as of yet.

Only port 80 and 443 should be open to the outside world.

Nginx is configured to serve requests for static resources directly from
the data storage and pass other requests to the python application. [version: any]

Redis (as per its default) runs unauthenticated on localhost; it should not
ever be available on public interfaces. [version: any]

Postgresql was installed from the project's own (regularly updated) Debian
packages at (see /etc/apt/sources.list.d/postgresql.list).
It should run on the loopback interface only, which is the default. Make sure it uses
a Unicode locale. [version: 9.3, possibly 9.4]

The ocrui python software runs inside its own "virtualenv" and does not use
system python packages (beyond the default), but it might be necessary to have libxml and libxmlt
development header packages installed to be able to run python-lxml. The application probably
won't run in Python 3.x. [version: 2.7.x]

It is save to update within the same major Debian release.

Also check the installation guide; particularly the section about running the application might be useful.

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